Portrait image of Alexander Immer

Alexander Immer is a Ph.D. student at the Max-Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems interested in probabilistic machine learning and data science. Before that, he was a Master’s student at EPFL and an intern at RIKEN AIP in Tokyo. The current focus of his work is on scalable Bayesian model selection and applications to biomedical problems.

AMLD Africa 2021 / Speakers

Walid Daou

AI Lead, OCP

Carolina Odman

Associate Professor, University of the Western Cape

Stefano Ermon

Assistant Professor, Stanford

Aisha Walcott-Bryant

Research Manager, IBM Research Africa

Karim Beguir

CEO and Co-Founder, InstaDeep

Tawfik Jelassi

Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO

AMLD / Global partners